The Voice of America: Biden and Blinken’s Open Condemnation of the ICC, Their Denial of Genocide and Their Distraction of “False Equivalence” Further Betrays The Depths of Ethical and Moral Rot Inherent In The Democratic Party of Today

As Israel and the United States desperately scramble to delegitimise the International Criminal Court and to sculpt a competing narrative, the transparency of lies, distractions and ethical rot is inadvertently thrust to the surface. It is clear that neither have any actual challenges against the ICC arrest warrants on the merits of those warrants and allegations themselves. So a non-existent narrative is created – in the hopes of distracting the public from the actual accusations – which suggests that the ICC stated that the crimes of Hamas and the crimes of Israel are equal. Firstly, the ICC made no such claim or judgment. Secondly – and here is where the impressive irony of all of this is proliferated – Biden and Blinken are not wrong. But not for the reasons they intend: IF we were to compare Hamas’ crimes with Israel’s crimes, it is clear to most people in the world that Israel’s crimes FAR outweigh the crimes of Hamas. That is not to condone the actions by Hamas leaders, but to state as fact that Israel’s treatment of Palestinians for decades has been murder, humiliation, inequality, brutality, imprisonment, ethnic cleansing and apartheid. Now, today, Israel’s decimation of Gaza and the West Bank and its ongoing mass-slaughter of the civilian population in Gaza – over 50% of whom are under 18 years of age – FAR outweighs the crimes of Hamas both in intent and proportion. So though no equivalence comparison was made by the ICC, perhaps one should be! And Biden and Blinken have unwittingly opened the door to that conversation and comparison.

Then to watch Biden openly state that what Israel is doing is NOT genocide is the equivalent of claiming Hitler was simply defending himself and his country. It’s offensive, ludicrous and it further reveals the ethical corruption and shameless lies that our “leaders” so easily and self-righteously embody.

It’s both fascinating and disturbing to watch these inept servants of corporate power consistently set in motion their own worst nightmares. Whether inadvertently pushing China and Russia into bed with one another via incredible miscalculations and bravado in Ukraine (at the expense of tens of thousands of Ukrainian lives) or losing Democratic voters by the millions and inciting a global student revolution and worldwide condemnation (that threatens to become a full-on revolution against corporate power and imperialism) by engaging in and condoning Israel’s genocide against the people of Palestine, to Hillary Clinton uncontrollably alienating massive swaths of voters and Americans by continuously insulting and belittling them in public. Add to this the overwhelming public and official rejection of U.S. foreign policy by the entirety of the global south which is finally uniting against the West. Adding urgency and momentum to the seriousness of the crimes and arrogantly untouchable posturing of countries like Israel and the United States, the International Court of Justice yesterday ordered Israel to cease its assault on Rafah. This order will undoubtably be condemned by both the U.S. and Israel in a further alienating .

Don’t hold your breath that this will change because these “missteps” and “miscalculations” are not anomalies. They are inherent to this boiling pot of war-mongers and neoliberal corporate stooges that can only see the world through hegemonic pursestrings and acts of despotic pomposity and, some would say, outright insanity. Just take a look at MSNBC and CNN’s current love affair with such extreme right-wing and mentally unbalanced neocons and war hawks as Bill Kristol, David Frum and John Bolton (who regularly appear as political experts) to see what now passes for normal discourse in Left-Wing media.

These are among the most dangerous and repugnant actors on the world stage today. What they justify is unjustifiable and it is my sincere hope that the ICC eventually issues arrest warrants against Biden, Blinken and a host of other U.S. officials complicit in this genocide.

It shouldn’t be shocking to say (but in some diehard Liberal circles I recognize that it still is), but I will NEVER vote for any these people. Not against Trump or anyone else. There is no cause I see as greater and more immediate than unseating these people from their positions of control and power. I reject both Republicans and Democrats equally. I will do whatever I need – in both words and action – to aid in their peaceful removal.

I believe the fate of not only the United States, but the world, hangs in the balance.

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About Me

Filmmaker, live music photographer, writer, film/video editor, acting teacher, traveler and political junkie who finally realised that the United States government and its two ruling parties has undergone what Chris Hedges refers to as “a corporate coup d’etat in slow motion.”

This site is dedicated to my thoughts, observations and inspirations regarding politics, film, photography and music.
